Austin Real Estate Market Report – 2010 Summary and 2011 Forecasts

January 11, 2011 by · Leave a Comment 

Dear Marketplace fans, It’s been a long time since the Austin Real Estate market has ended on a high point—4 years to be exact. This past December, homes sales were up 1.36%. We haven’t been able to say that sales were up in six months. 2010 was a year of high points and low points. […]

How many homes that hit the market in 2010 actually SOLD? You might be surprised.

January 6, 2011 by · Leave a Comment 

This a question that many Realtors are discussing across the country. The answer is somewhat shocking. Denver, Colorado had as few as 1 in 4 homes sell, while Washington, DC had 6 out of 10 sell. As far as Austin, Texas goes… we are (in my opinion) the most stable real estate market in the […]

Buying Real Estate at Auction in Austin, Texas

November 17, 2010 by · Leave a Comment 

The air is filled with excitement. On a muggy Austin night, home-buying hopefuls crowd into a small hotel conference room eager to walk away with a deal that will “beat the market”. The crowd ranges from first time homebuyers to savvy investors buying multiple properties in one night. The auctioneers are true professionals and so […]

Why are Austin Home Prices Still on the Rise? Questions Answered.

November 10, 2010 by · Leave a Comment 

If you’ve been following the Austin real estate market at all this year, you would see that prices have still been on the rise despite all other statistics being on the decline—number of sales, days on market, etc. Watch the video to have a better understanding of the factors that have caused prices to continue […]

Monday Morning Market Report – October Update

October 4, 2010 by · Leave a Comment 

It’s October and we are officially enjoying Fall in Austin, Texas. Sales numbers are running typical to this time of year or they are slightly below average. We won’t have official numbers for September until next week, but consider this a sneak peak. Have an amazing and productive week.

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